Michael Schumacher Wiki Ita

Born 22 march 1999 is a german racing driver currently competing in the fia formula 2 championship with prema theodore racing and being affiliated to the ferrari driver academy.
Michael schumacher wiki ita. Detsembril 2013 juhtus schumacheril prantsuse alpides méribeli lähistel suusatades ränk õnnetus ta kukkus peaga vastu kaljut ja sai raske peatrauma. He has won seven world championship titles and has the most grand prix victories in the world. Mihael shumacher ose majkell shumaher gjermanisht. Mick schumacher german pronunciation.
When schumacher was four his father modified his pedal kart by adding a small motorcycle engine. He began his career in karting in 2008 progressing to the german adac formula 4 by 2015. Schumacher është mbajtësi më i madh i rekordeve në f1 duke arritur përveç. Ha conquistato 7 titoli mondiali.
Schumacher s title winning german formula three car from 1990 schumacher was born in hürth north rhine westphalia to rolf schumacher a bricklayer and his wife elisabeth. Jaanuaril 1969 hermülheimis hürthis on saksamaa endine vormel 1 sõitja seitsmekordne maailmameister. Michael schumacher pomoč info ipa mɪçaeːl ʃumaxɐ nemški dirkač formule 1 3. Michael schumacher born 3 january 1969 in hürth near cologne is a german formula 1 driver.
štatisticky je najúspešnejší pilot formuly 1 vôbec pretože získal sedem titulov majstra sveta v rokoch 1994 1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 a 2004. Statistički je najuspješniji f1 vozač svih vremena sa najviše pobjeda u karijeri te sa rekordom od sedam pobjeda na svjetskom šampionatu u f1. Schumacher toimetati haiglasse ja viidi kunstlikult tekitatud koomasse. Michael schumacher 3 janar 1969 është një shofer gjerman garash statistikisht kampioni më i madh i formula 1 i të gjitha kohërave pasi fitoi 7 tituj botërorë dy me benetton 1994 1995 dhe pesë të njëpasnjëshme me ferrari 2000 2004.
Michael schumacher hürth 3 gennaio 1969 è un ex pilota automobilistico tedesco il più vincente campione della formula 1 e uno dei piloti più forti di tutti i tempi. Michael schumacher 3. Januara 1969 njemački je vozač formule 1 f1. Michael schumacher iz wikipedije proste enciklopedije za druge pomene glej schumacher.
Januar 1969 hürth zahodna nemčija. This champion nicknamed campionissimo by italian fans of ferrari is considered the most popular german personality in the world. Michael schumacher s wikipedije slobodne enciklopedije michael schumacher rođen 3. Január 1969 hürth severné porýnie vestfálsko je bývalý nemecký pilot formuly 1.